Sun. Apr 28th, 2024

Recently published the results of the Bank of Italy on the income and wealth of Italian households to 2012.

Family wealth
Family wealth

These data extracts from the press:

The equivalent income (a per capita measure that takes into account the size and demographic structure of the family) has averaged approximately 17.800 € (1.500 Euro pulls).

The indicator is higher for individuals graduates, executives and entrepreneurs, while the workers and the residents in the south who were born abroad have lower average values.

In an intermediate position are placed employees, other workers and pensioners.

Between 2010 and 2012 the deterioration of economic conditions, in terms of equivalent income made the overall average percent, was most pronounced for the self-employed than employees and persons in non-professional status.

Only the index for pensioners is rising, the decline was seen in all age groups except the elderly.

Over the past twenty years, the equivalent income of elderly individuals is spent in relative terms from 95% the 114% the overall average.

The share of poor individuals, conventionally identified by an equivalent income below half of the median observed in each year (relative poverty) amounted to approximately 14,1% with peaks of 24,7% in the South.

The net household wealth, given by the sum of real (properties, companies and valuables) and financial assets ( deposits, bonds, actions, etc.) net financial liabilities (mortgages and other debts) has a value equal to the median 143.300 €.

The 10% of the wealthiest families own the 46,6% Total household net wealth (45,7% in 2010).

The share of households with negative wealth increased to 4,1%, from 2.8% of 2010.

The debt is more prevalent among middle-income families up, with householders under the age of 55 years, self-employed or with a high degree.

There is undue mainly for the purchase and renovation of the house.

The conditions of financial vulnerability identified dala joint presence of an installment for the repayment of the loans of more than 30% income and money income below the median concern about the 13,2% nuclei debt, and the 2,6% of all households. The phenomenon seems to have increased compared to the past.

Alex Gaetani

To further point out the following readings:

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