Sun. Apr 28th, 2024
Bank in procession
Bank in procession

Una vita da bancario (Piccola Biblioteca del Sorriso)

Take a qualification, Facts and take in the bank

This was the recurring phrase that, Until a few years ago, parents repeated their child student.

The job at the bank (I am reminded of "the job" so often cited in the film Quo Vado? Checco Zalone), It has always been the most coveted. Stability of employment, good pay for more than twelve months, advantages of credit, etc..

Ma oggi, come stanno i dipendenti bancari?

On the one hand Abi (Italian Banking Association), It provides an overview of the competitive position of the Italian banking sector, through the examination of a wealth of information related to human resources, their management and their cost, last Report on the labor market in the financial industry: “In the banking sector stability Italian job has always been a core value, as demonstrated by the high incidence of permanent contracts (including apprentices) which stands at 99%. Despite the long wake of the crisis, the area contained the contraction of the workforce in two years 2013-2014 (about -1%). Among the main features of the bank staff will also confirm the quality professional in constant growth (with the 37,3% graduates) and the continuous increase of female staff (44,7% the complex employee).

On the other side, alcuni Unions Base denounce the missing workers' achievements, in several contract renewals: “Think of the huge space granted on the ground of wages, space that will be filled by new and richer incentive systems of the company's initiative, despite all the commitments against aggressive commercial policies" it's still "Think of the new distribution models, It does every day wastepaper existing agreements concerning frameworks, allowance, tasks, and which they are used to anticipate new contractual schemes, never discussed with employee representatives.

All that, shows that, It is an ongoing heated debate between the parties, on future organizational and production of banking firms, to deal with the inevitable deep transformation of the banking, result the rapid advances in the digitization of production processes and the same customer relations

Gli ultimi concetti, sono ben spiegati da Riccardo Luna, a 2Next Economia e Futuro:

Alex Gaetani

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