Mon. Apr 29th, 2024

L’era del Fintech: La rivoluzione digitale nei servizi finanziari
The Fintech, in other words "Financial Technology", It brings together all the business models based on the use of innovative software that allow users to perform any type of financial transaction. In general, those startups that use advanced technologies to make financial services faster, dynamic and profitable.

"The majority of banks – worried about losing part of its business for the benefit of the new realities FinTech, best interpreters of the evolution of customer needs – He is creating partnerships with these players with the aim of improving its services. E a beneficiarne è soprattutto il consumatore.”

Ecco quanto risulta dallo studio Global FinTech Survey 2016 di Price Waterhouse Coopers. The startup of Fintech play in principle the following operations: crowdfunding, ie the collection of small capital by both retail; peer-to-peer lending, loans from private persons to private companies or to; roboadvisor, ie algorithms that provide asset management solutions creating financial portfolios with the most efficient tools; gestione dei pagamenti online e con le app; credit scoring, systems of the credit risk assessment.

In Italy, operano già realtà come MoneyFarm, AdviseOnly, etc.. but in general, around the reality of Fintech, in our country there is still a lot of void to be filled.

Finally, It is still read in the above study: "Meantime, banks should begin to simplify products and services to facilitate the comparison between the players in the market and mitigate the confusion of the customer. In parallel, It is crucial for their part design of the user experience-based products, rather than holding the usual approach of "procedures according to the guidelines".

Banks should listen to customer feedback and translate it into an offer of service in a timely manner. All these actions, che vanno intraprese a prescindere dalla rivoluzione avviata dal FinTech.”

Alex Gaetani

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