Mon. Apr 29th, 2024

It is closed over 13.000 Attendance Edition 2014 Salone del Risparmio, the annual event organized by Assogestioni.

The Salon Savings 2014
The Salon Savings 2014

For the three-day fact-saving, attended not only by the industry, but also citizens and students eager to learn more, judging by their active presence (many questions asked to the speakers), the various events held at the Università Bocconi in Milan from 26 the 28 March.

Make the right choice!
Make the right choice!

During the three days, the general topics of discussion were greater:

The long-term investment;

The importance of diversification;

The re-launch of the supplementary pension.

The event opened with the inaugural lecture, I attended, during which he debuted the new president of Assogestioni Giordano Lombardo (the assembly of the institution has also appointed three new vice presidents: Tommaso Corcos, Santo Borsellino and Sergio Albarelli). He said that "We need to promote a long-term practice in asset management through individual savings plans, the Eltif (gli European long-term investment funds) and the revival of the supplementary pension. Three levers important to do this: the relationship with investors, communication and financial education. "

The President Assogestioni Giordano Lombardo
The President Assogestioni Giordano Lombardo

Here it is interesting to note that the President EFAMA Christian Dargnat stated that "less than 10% Europeans have never invested in a fund in his life ". Some Italian operator was asked why, today that mutual funds, for example, in our country have completed thirty years of life?

The President EFAMA Christian Dargnat
The President EFAMA Christian Dargnat

The next roundtable was attended by Prof. Tito Boeri, which placed emphasis on the fact that there are still problems of conflict of interest (property relations between banks and asset management companies), that do not increase the confidence of investors in respect of the Assets under management in general.

The Prof. Tito Boeri
The Prof. Tito Boeri

All operators roundtable participants expressed themselves willing to "care tax" by the Italian Government. Even here, if the motivation is only tax, someone asked why the supplementary pension (understood in the context of long-term savings) that from the point of view of taxation is the most favored, there was the same poor adhesion of workers / savers?

On the third day, I attended the presentation of the project Consob / CNCU the "Charter for Investors".

Paper Presentation to Investors
Paper Presentation to Investors

Among the interventions is to report to the Vice President Consob said that "by the autumn leave a thematic portal to financial education Consob that will aim to act as a pole of attraction at the national level, collecting meaningful experiences on the topic of financial education both in Italy and abroad, and in April will begin training courses to consumer associations. "And then announced that" The lessons Objective of the Charter to refine and simplify the management of complaints and reports submitted to Consob for enhancing the supervision of the authority’ on reports of wrongs ".

Paper Presentation to Investors
Paper Presentation to Investors

In this regard, the representatives of consumer associations attended the presentation (Dr. Silvia Castronovi for Altroconsumo Lawyer Francesco Luongo and the Movement for the defense of the Citizen) now is the message that the 30% complaints received at their premises regards relations "problematic" banks, Financial, Insurance, and which is of fundamental importance, and no longer be postponed, expand as much as possible the financial education projects for citizens.

Alex Gaetani

To learn more about the topics discussed at the Salone del Risparmio, you point out the following readings:

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